Tuesday, February 21, 2012



According to answers.com, the definition of joy is the intense and ecstatic or exultant happiness; the expression or manifestation of such feeling; to great pleasure or to rejoice; to fulfill ecstatic happiness, pleasure or satisfaction.

Joy can be legally defined in many ways. What is important to you and others around you? What is your joy and comfort? What is your haven? Satisfaction? What makes you safe or smile? What a person should bare in mind is the sanity and constant psychological and emotional balance in life. Satisfaction is achievable and it only takes hard work.

If there is ugliness or negativity around you, move away from it. There is a lot of it out there and you should keep away from it for starters. If you want the joy you have got to share it with others and share it freely without prejudice and return. Keep your mind clean, clear and crisp. Meditate and find your own personal peace and freedom. Do not suck the good energy from others and do not bring it around you as well.

Find FREE and healthy activities for you mind, body and soul. It is out there and free to share with. If you know or possess a commodity, share with it with your community of friends and family. 

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